EN. Visit Bistrita-Nasaud is a tourist application administered by the Bistrita-Nasaud County Council and is meant to promote the county Bistrita-Nasaud, Romania.
The application is intended for both tourists and locals who are provided with information on the most attractive points of interest and events in the area, services (accommodation, restaurants, bars, points and tourist information offices).
The current version of the Visit Application Bistrita-Nasaud contains the following themes:
- Accommodation: units and facilities in Bistrita-Nasaud County;
- Sightseeing: points of interest worth visiting;
- Wooden and fortified churches: presentation of valuable churches on the territory of Bistrita-Nasaud County;
- Tourist information: official tourist information, points and offices where a tourist can get information about what to see and to do in Bistrita-Nasaud County;
- Tourist routes: information and details about routes which are accessible to tourists;
- Culture and leisure: locations in the County of Bistrita-Nasaud that offer vast cultural and relaxing activities;
- Events: what happens in Bistrita-Nasaud County;
- Bistrita-Nasaud map: a static offline map of Bistrita-Nasaud County;
- Salvamont: information and locations about Mountain Rescue Services and areas served by them;
- Gastronomy: presentation of the places where tourist and locals can eat.
All points of interest can include details such as: images, text, address, phone / mobile phone with direct dialing, email address with the ability to send direct email, website, time, location to Google Maps and navigation options.
All items can be sorted alphabetically or by distance. You can also use filtering options depending on the type of point of interest.
The application is available in 2 languages (English, Romanian) that can be changed from the application menu.
RO. Visit Bistrita-Nasaud este o aplicatie turistica administrata de Consiliul Judetean Bistrita-Nasaud si este menita sa promoveze zona judetului Bistrita-Nasaud, Romania.
Aplicatia este destinata atat turistilor, cat si localnicilor carora le sunt oferite informatii referitoare la cele mai atractive puncte de interes si evenimente din zona, la servicii (cazare, restaurante, baruri, puncte si birouri de informatii turistice).
Versiunea actuala de Visit Bistrita-Nasaud contine urmatoarele teme:
- Cazare: unitatile de cazare din judetul Bistrita-Nasaud;
- Obiective turistice: punctele de interes ce merita vizitate;
- Biserici din lemn si fortificate: prezentarea bisericilor cu valoare de pe teritoriul judetului Bistrita-Nasaud;
- Informatii turistice: puncte oficiale de informare turistica si birouri unde un turist poate obtine informatii despre ce sa vada si ce sa faca in judetul Bistrita-Nasaud;
- Trasee turistice: informatii si detalii despre traseele accesibile turistilor;
- Cultura si timp liber: locatii din zona judetului Bistrita-Nasaud care ofera vaste activitati culturale si de relaxare;
- Evenimente: ce au loc in judetul Bistrita-Nasaud;
- Harta Bistrita-Nasaud: o harta offline statica a judetului Bistrita-Nasaud;
-Salvamont: informatii si locatii despre serviciile de Salvamont si arealele deservite de acestia;
- Gastronomie: prezentare a locurilor unde se poate servi masa.
Toate punctele de interes pot contine detalii precum: imagini, text, adresa, telefon/telefon mobil cu posibilitatea de apelare directa, adresa de email cu posibilitatea de a trimite email direct, website, orar, locatie pe Google Maps si optiuni de navigatie.
Toate elementele pot fi sortate alfabetic sau dupa distanta. De asemenea, se pot folosi optiuni de filtrare, in functie de tipul de punct de interes.
Aplicatia este disponibila in 2 limbi (Romana, Engleza) care pot fi schimbate din meniu-ul aplicatiei.